Spectacular Slovakia

Spectacular Slovakia

Your podcast guide to adventure in Slovakia.

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Zoznam epizód (142 epizód)


The more underskirts the better

How to put on a Slovak folk costume? Naomi Huzovicova has learned when her daughters joined the local folklore group in her town, and even a few years into their hobby she learns something new every year. “The attitude towards folklore has changed a lot in the 15 years I’ve been in Slovakia,” Naomi...

Berlin and Rome meet up in Trnava

Everyone in Slovakia knows why Trnava is called the Little Rome. Hence, it is time for Massimo Guglietta from New Jersey to hear the legend, as well. Massimo, who is currently living in Trnava, joins Peter to chat about why he has fallen in love with the city. Its spirit, people, local football club...

Bratislava on two wheels

Spring has sprung in the Slovak capital! Visitors can take advantage of Bratislava’s bike-sharing service, which invites tourists to try sightseeing on two wheels. How safe and enjoyable is it, though? James Thomson was cycling around Bratislava before it was cool and he can compare the situation n...

Welcome To Modra! The City of Ludovit Stur

Everyone in Slovakia should go to Modra at least once in their life, says American teacher, Grace, who has lived in Modra for seven months (and has been the only American there, apparently). The once royal town was the home of one of the most shining personalities of the history of Slovakia, Ludovit...

How to date a Slovak man

Dating a Slovak, or dating in Slovakia, sometimes has its peculiarities. Two Americans who live in Slovakia and date Slovaks talk about their own experiences in this week’s episode of the Spectacular Slovakia podcast. Do Slovak men talk a lot or should you be ready to do the talking? Are they hugger...

Skanzen is a place where time stops moving

Skanzen is not a Japanese means of transport,. It is a name for open-air museums in Slovakia that show what village life once looked like. Each region has its own. Naomi Hužovičová has visited a few of them and has some useful advice for tourists who are up for an excursion into the past. Good news...

Stay cool and visit a cave

The Slovak Karst might be off most tourists’ radar, unless they are speleology enthusiasts visiting Slovakia for the sole purpose of seeing its numerous caves. In the Gemer region, surrounding the town of Roznava, every town has a cave. James Thomson has seen some of them, and in this episode of our...

Where to take your dog in Bratislava

Travelling with your dog? Dave Rubin is a proud dog owner and knows all the best dog-friendly places in Bratislava. You should not be surprised if you see dogs in most shopping malls, restaurants, and cafes. If you want to give your dog a special treat, a dog cafe in Petrzalka might be the place for...

Time gets telescoped in eastern Slovakia

There’s actually quite a lot of Slovakia east of Presov and Kosice, says James Thomson, who has seen most of it on his travels around the country. In this week’s episode, we explore the far northeast, which includes the Poloniny national park and its primeval beech forests, the spa town of Bardejov...

It’s not Middle-earth, it is Spiš

Let’s go to Spiš, the home of most of the High Tatras that also offers a combination of valleys, rolling hills, and mediaeval towns. We took a look at the Spiš Castle, one of the largest if not the largest in central Europe, the towns of Spišská Nová Ves and Levoča, with some of the finest gothic ch...

When drinking with locals in Orava, don’t try to keep up

This week, we are back to Orava, this time with Dave Rubin, who recommends visiting the open-air museum in Zuberec. For Americans, it’s like visiting Williamstown, Virginia, but Zuberec is hundreds of years older, he says. The north of Slovakia is a place to go when you want to try the best of the c...

Hiking with little feet

Slovakia is a good place to hike with your kids. Naomi, a mother of four living in Slovakia, shares some inspirational tips for trips that little feet can manage. Some of the best places, including hikes with a destination (like a small organic farm) are a simple day trip from Bratislava. What’s the...

A morning hike in Slovakia, afternoon tea in Poland

“You really do feel like you have travelled back in time,” says Dave Rubin as he starts his brief intro to the northwest region of Kysuce. Here, visitors have the unique opportunity to walk to Poland, or the Czech Republic. It’s hilly and remote, and the wildlife is captivating. The stone spheres in...

Schnitzel is not the only thing we have in common

Before leaving Slovakia, his first posting as an ambassador, Austrian Ambassador Helfried Carl stopped by the podcast studio to share some of his impressions while living among Slovaks for 4 ½ years , along with some tips for trips. He suggests a trip to Komarno, for instance, which offers stories...

Compared to Prague, Bratislava is a well-kept secret

Paul and Lynette Doege are an American couple who visited Bratislava for the first time last September. They started their trip in Prague, and feel that both capitals are relatively similar, with their Old Town areas and riverside. Bratislava is easier to navigate for tourists, and it is not as crow...

It’s carnival, time to kill a pig

Wintertime is carnival time, and in Slovak villages, it’s also time to gather your family and prepare your cauldrons for zabijacka. Naomi Huzovicova explains what that means in this week’s episode of our Spectacular Slovakia podcast. Slovaks really do use the whole animal, and Naomi believes it is a...

Feel the weight of the world on your shoulders

When you descend into one of the mines of Banska Stiavnica, you literally feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, says Dave Rubin in another episode of our podcast. Yet Banska Stiavnica also offers many uplifting experiences. Exploring one of the “ten million hiking trails” winding through t...

In Devín, you can sip on history together with currant wine

James Thomson has lived in Bratislava long enough to almost consider himself a native Bratislavan. Today, he takes us to Devín Castle, one of the iconic places of the Slovak capital that tourists are not always aware of. Nowadays, it’s just a ruin, but it stands in a spot that holds significance fo...

A brief intro to travelling to eastern Slovakia

It’s time we head east, and if you have not been to Kosice yet, you are about to learn what you’ve been missing. James Thomson offers some valuable advice on how to make your stay in Košice, and your journey there, worthwhile. This week’s podcast is a brief introduction to travelling to eastern Slov...

At Christmas markets, you can drink bacon

Christmas markets opened last Friday, attracting both tourists and locals. Even though Christmas seems to come earlier every year, the markets are something to look forward to. “My main experience of Christmas markets in Slovakia is fat dripping onto my toes,” says James Thomson, who walks you throu...

What makes golf in Slovakia special?

This week’s podcast is special for golf enthusiasts. Don Stoll, a passionate golf player from the US, has played golf at some of Slovakia’s golf courses, most recently in Bojnice, and has a lot to say about them. Slovakia is a really interesting place: people go out to play by themselves, says Don....
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