Spectacular Slovakia

Spectacular Slovakia

Your podcast guide to adventure in Slovakia.

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Zoznam epizód (142 epizód)


Why does a city boy from Brooklyn love Slovakia’s castle ruins?

Dave Rubin was a Manhattan-based lawyer when he landed in Bratislava during his travels around the world. That was ten years ago. Dave has since founded a successful language school in downtown Bratislava and spends his free time exploring his new town and country. How does a city boy from Brooklyn...

Spectacular Slovakia #10: Hiking off the beaten track

Naomi Hužovičová was born in Canada’s Rocky Mountains so she loves the mountains - but not the crowds. In this episode of Spectacular Slovakia, she shares her tips for some hikes off the beaten track in the Slovak mountains. Naomi also talks about her favourite hill with an amazing 360-degree view t...

Spectacular Slovakia #8: Don’t skip the soup and prepare your sweet tooth

So far in our podcast, we have been telling you where to go in Slovakia. Now it’s time to give you a taste of the culinary melting pot that is Slovakia - at least as seen by blogger and keen cook, Naomi Huzovicova. Traditional Slovak cuisine does not begin and end with bryndzove halusky. What should...

Spectacular Slovakia #7: What's a spa cake?

There were 12 women and nobody said a word, Pat Alexy Stoll says about her favourite treatment in Trenčianske Teplice. She and her husband, Don Stoll, recently enjoyed the spa experience in this famed western-Slovak spa town. Ever heard of spa cakes? You should make sure to have some in between your...

Spectacular Slovakia #6: In Slovak spas, don’t worry when they call a doctor

If you’re in need of some autumn relaxation, a visit to one of Slovakia’s many spas might give you just what you’re looking for. American travellers Don Stoll and Pat Alexy Stoll returned from a two-week-long trip around the country and have a lot of Slovak spa experiences to share in our latest pod...

Spectacular Slovakia #5: Where is the princess and the dragon?

Autumn is a great time to explore the Small Carpathians. Naomi Hužovičová, a Canadian who has lived in Slovakia for 14 years, tells you why a trip to Smolenice at this time of year is a good idea. Did you know that this small town, along with its iconic castle, has a remarkable Iron Age settlement t...

Spectacular Slovakia #4: In the footsteps of Štefánik

In October, Czechs and Slovaks will mark 100 years since their first common state, the Czechoslovak Republic, emerged. If you want to learn more about this important historical event and travel back in time, Brezová pod Bradlom is a good place for a trip. Spectacular Slovakia author James Thomson te...

Spectacular Slovakia #3: Bratislava, your unexpected hiking destination

Hannah Falchuk, who recently returned to Slovakia as an English teacher within the Fulbright Programme, remembers last summer in Bratislava. Is the Slovak capital really one of the greenest cities in the world? What are the best places to go when you need to escape the urban rush? Listen to the podc...

Spectacular Slovakia #2: Running and sightseeing in Bratislava

In the second episode of the Spectacular Slovakia podcast, the latest addition to our range of travel-related products, Slovak Spectator copy editor Anna Fay shares her tips with active travellers. Where are the best places to run in Bratislava? What is the best way to sightsee and run at the same...

Spectacular Slovakia #1: Bratislava vs. Vienna

In the first episode of the Spectacular Slovakia podcast, author of the 2009 edition of the eponymous travel guide, James Thomson, will give listeners insider tips on how to make the best of your trip to Bratislava. James has recently moved back to Bratislava after living for some time in Vienna and...

Last Week in Slovakia: Lack of teachers troubles mainly Bratislava

This programme is part of The Slovak Spectator subscription and our readers are receiving it every Thursday morning as part of their subscription. More information: Print+audio: shop.spectator.sme.sk/newspaper Online+audio: www.sme.sk/predplatne-spectator/

Last Week in Slovakia: Slovakia is experiencing record temperatures

This programme is part of The Slovak Spectator subscription and our readers are receiving it every Thursday morning as part of their subscription. More information: Print+audio: shop.spectator.sme.sk/newspaper Online+audio: www.sme.sk/predplatne-spectator/

Last Week in Slovakia: BMW picked Hungary over Slovakia

This programme is part of The Slovak Spectator subscription and our readers are receiving it every Thursday morning as part of their subscription. More information: Print+audio: shop.spectator.sme.sk/newspaper Online+audio: www.sme.sk/predplatne-spectator/

Last Week in Slovakia: Russian biker gang causes controversy

This programme is part of The Slovak Spectator subscription and our readers are receiving it every Thursday morning as part of their subscription. More information: Print+audio: shop.spectator.sme.sk/newspaper Online+audio: www.sme.sk/predplatne-spectator/

Special Edition: How Slovaks discovered podcasting

Around the time when The Slovak Spectator started producing its Last Week in Slovakia podcast in October, Slovakia's nationwide daily Sme also launched a podcast of its own. First, it was just an experiment and they did not know that they were starting a sort of podcast revolution in the country....

Last week in Slovakia: Expat killed in a street attack in Bratislava

This programme is part of The Slovak Spectator subscription and our readers are receiving it every Thursday morning as part of their subscription. More information: Print+audio: shop.spectator.sme.sk/newspaper Online+audio: www.sme.sk/predplatne-spectator/

Last Week in Slovakia: Second chance for Uber

This programme is part of The Slovak Spectator subscription and our readers are receiving it every Thursday morning as part of their subscription. More information: Print+audio: shop.spectator.sme.sk/newspaper Online+audio: www.sme.sk/predplatne-spectator/

Last Week in Slovakia: Police seized Kuciak's colleague's phone

This programme is part of The Slovak Spectator subscription and our readers are receiving it every Thursday morning as part of their subscription. More information: Print+audio: shop.spectator.sme.sk/newspaper Online+audio: www.sme.sk/predplatne-spectator/

Last Week in Slovakia: Kiska will not run for re-election

This programme is part of The Slovak Spectator subscription and our readers are receiving it every Thursday morning as part of their subscription. More information: Print+audio: shop.spectator.sme.sk/newspaper Online+audio: www.sme.sk/predplatne-spectator/

Last Week in Slovakia: People demanded media freedom

This programme is part of The Slovak Spectator subscription and our readers are receiving it every Thursday morning as part of their subscription. More information: Print+audio: shop.spectator.sme.sk/newspaper Online+audio: www.sme.sk/predplatne-spectator/
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