Electric Avenue Podcast

Electric Avenue Podcast

Electric vehicle charging stations are essential to electric vehicles and the transition to a cleaner, decarbonized energy system. How? What is this industry and what does it mean for you? Hosted by industry insiders and featuring interviews with other leading professionals, we investigate the whole ecosystem and policy landscape of EV charging in Europe, with a special emphasis on our home region of Central & Eastern Europe.

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Zoznam epizód (36 epizód)


Electric Vehicle Charging Markets in the USA & Europe

What is the federal government's role in deploying charging infrastructure in the USA? What are the business models for EV charging there? What about interoperability, roaming, subscription and ad hoc authorization? Are the same EV charging topics being dealt with in the US as in Europe?  The U...

Electric Vehicle Roaming: The Definitive Discussion

Roaming is the main way that electric vehicle drivers recharge their EV out of network or internationally. It's about payment, but also about driver choice and the whole customer journey including additional services, energy system integration, interoperability and the open market model itself. &nbs...

130 million EVs by 2035 - Is Europe‘s electricity grid up to it?

First, what does the Russian invasion of Ukraine mean for energy supply, content, pricing and the energy transition? With the war, supply chain disruptions, and contradictory short and long term energy pressures, will e-mobility still play the same role in energy independence and decarbonization as...

Electric Vehicle Charging in Central & Eastern Europe

First, Ukraine. We hear a reaction from the COO of Go-To-U, a leading Ukranian EV charging platform, on the Russian invasion. Then, a detailed, expert discussion among EV charging network operators in Romania, Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Slovenia about the electric vehicle and EV chargin...

EV Charging Trends 2020: Revisited

In January 2020 before COVID, we surveyed a group of leading EV charging and user experience professionals from all over Europe for their key trends to watch in emobility in 2020. Now in February 2022, with the benefit of hindsight we're revisiting their observations on roaming and user experience,...

Roads, Nodes and Standards: What's next for Europe's EV & charging industries?

Some of the most important laws governing the EV marketplace and EV charging infrastructure business in Europe are being revised and updated right now as a part of the 'fit for 55 package' as Europe deepens its climate ambitions and aims to reduce emissions by 55% by 2030. These changes will have si...

EV Charging Will Accelerate Europe's Green Recovery

Season 2 launches just as the electric vehicle charging business is beginning to grow rapidly. It is seen as a key area for investment in the EU Green Deal and for European recovery funds. How should countries approach this moment? What are the key criteria countries can use to develop their own EV...

Making Electric Cars (and charging!) More Convenient

Even among those who support the growth of the e-mobility there are differences of opinion and ideas for how to best develop a customer-centric pan-European electric vehicle charging network. Dimitri Vergne from the European Consumer Organization (BEUC), and I, who come from different perspectives,...

EV Charging in Europe: Needs for 2030 and Effects of Covid today

First, how has the Corona virus pandemic affected the EV recharging industry? Then, part 1 (of 2) of our discussion of “Recharge EU: How many charge points will EU countries need by 2030?” the exhaustive recent report from Transport & Environment, with lead author Lucien Matheiu.

Top E-mobility Trends for 2020 - Part 2

What is experience anxiety? Will vehicle to grid finally become a commercial reality? What new market changes are coming in 2020? These topics and more are tackled by leading e-mobility experts in Part 2 of our Trends 2020 special. If you want to know what the defining trends in the industry will be...

Top E-mobility Trends for 2020 - Part 1

Will 2020 be the year of the electric car? Will we see more range anxiety or experience anxiety? Leading experts from across the industry share their views on the top trends to watch in the fast changing world of electric mobility from electric vehicles, to charging infrastructure, to user experienc...

Behind the Mic - The Making of Electric Avenue

Wondering how to make a podcast? How this one got started? How each episode is produced and distributed? Meet the rest of the Electric Avenue team who contribute to the making of each episode. Find out what they do and what they've learned over the year - and a little bit about what's in store for t...

2019 Year in Review - Breaking the E-mobility Bottleneck

New, tougher EU CO2 emissions standards. Fridays for the Future. Vast improvements in battery technology.  Major automotive investments in electric vehicles. 2019 was a pivotal year for e-mobility and its emergence to the mass market – and, also the first year of Electric Avenue Podcast. Join f...

Maros Sefcovic: Batteries, Energy & Decarbonization

European Battery Alliance. Clean Energy for All. Decarbonization. These are just some of the initiatives of the Energy Union under European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic. As he leaves that job to take on a different portfolio in the new European Commission, he sat with us for an interview...

Power Upgrades and Management - the Road Towards Ultrafast Charging

As new EVs, like the Porsche Taycan, Jaguar iPace, and Mercedes EQC, with bigger batteries capable of handling more power hit the market, at GreenWay we’ve been busily increasing the amount of power at a number of our 50kW charging stations to 100 and 150 kW. Hear directly from the heads of R&D...

Fossil free within 1 generation? EVs, electricity, and the energy transition

Electric vehicles and electricity are inherently tied together. But how does the energy sector feel about EVs? Are they upstarts, or opportunities? In the face of the climate crisis,  how power is generated matters immensely. Do Europe's energy generators feel the need to decarbonize? Is the en...

Do energy storage and EV charging go together?

 Today we'll talk about energy storage, EV charging & how they go together and why it matters. Also, as this time of the year is clean tech conference season we'll look at the topics trending in this field right now. And last, but definitely not the least, we'll bust a f...
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