Electric Vehicle Roaming: The Definitive Discussion
Roaming is the main way that electric vehicle drivers recharge their EV out of network or internationally. It's about payment, but also about driver choice and the whole customer journey including additional services, energy system integration, interoperability and the open market model itself. Yet it's controversial to what extent roaming should be regulated in EU legislation on EV charging (AFIR), and the time to decide is right now. This episode features the best discussion of roaming in the EV context that I've ever heard, hosted by Peter Badik from GreenWay (as Board member of ChargeUp Europe, which convened this conversation) with the CEO's of Europe's leading roaming platforms, Hubject and Gireve. This C-level discussion will be relevant and accessible for experts and newcomers alike and covers technical, commercial, and policy topics. If you're curious about roaming in the EV context you won't want to miss this discussion!
ChargeUp Europe's position paper on why roaming should be included in the EU's Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation: The importance of including EVroaming in AFIR — ChargeUp Europe
Transcript & video of the full interview are here: eRoaming: Conveniently connected - the "smart" way of charging — ChargeUp Europe
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