![1 million new chargers in 5 years? The new European Commission’s e-mobility agenda](https://podmazsk.b-cdn.net/images/podcasts/1-million-new-chargers-in-5-years-the-new-european-commissions-e-mobility-agenda-4F6.jpg?width=300&aspect_ratio=1:1)
1 million new chargers in 5 years? The new European Commission’s e-mobility agenda
From CO2 emission standards to energy directives, batteries, and financing of charging infrastructure, Brussels plays an out sized role in the development of e-mobility and a cleaner energy future in Europe. With a new European Commission about to take office, what can we expect from them? We head to Brussels & talk with our plugged in purveyor of all things Brussels and e-mobility, Julia Polsicanova from T&E, for part 1 of our miniseries. . And, GreenWay managing Partner Peter Badik gives us his insights into the changes that the company has been working on for the past few months.
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