Electric Avenue Podcast

Electric Avenue Podcast

Electric vehicle charging stations are essential to electric vehicles and the transition to a cleaner, decarbonized energy system. How? What is this industry and what does it mean for you? Hosted by industry insiders and featuring interviews with other leading professionals, we investigate the whole ecosystem and policy landscape of EV charging in Europe, with a special emphasis on our home region of Central & Eastern Europe.

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Zoznam epizód (36 epizód)


#schoolsstrike4climate & the Electric Vehicle Landscape in Poland

In this episode, we join the #Fridayforthefuture #schoolsstrike4climate in Bratislava, Slovakia and interview Jakub, one of the organizers. Then, we continue our journeys exploring the electric vehicle landscape of the region in Poland, with local EV expert Jacek Fior and GreenWay Polska CEO Rafal C...

The Electric Vehicle Landscape in Bulgaria

First, we're joined by colleagues from our Polish office who share some of what they are working on as we build the regional electric vehicle charging infrastructure network. Then, we continue our journeys throughout the region, this time to Bulgaria, where we explore the electric vehicle & char...

Distribution Tariffs trailer

What is a distribution tariff, and why is it becoming a significant bottleneck to those who operate electric vehicle charging infrastructure? Join us for a debate and discussion in Brussels March 26, 2019 to develop solutions on this important topic

Reflections & Debates from the COP24 Climate Conference

We just got back from participating in a number of events at the COP24 Climate Conference in Katowice, Poland. In this episode we'll share our reflections and let you in on the debates we participated in involving electrification, electric vehicles, battery storage, energy, and how they can work to...

Central & Eastern Europe EV Startup Founders

We've gathered together 3 startup founders from Central and Eastern Europe - all of whom have started successful EV charging/infrastructure companies - to share their stories and the success, challenges, and key decisions they made along their journey.

Now or never: The hottest bill in Brussels & why it matters to you

Electric Avenue is a podcast about the electric mobility revolution and the new energy economy, from a Central and Eastern Europe perspective. On Dec 4 European environment ministers and negotiators from the European Parliament and Commission will meet to finalize an agreement on new vehicle CO2 sta...

An e-mobility revolution in Slovakia and Hungary?

Electric Avenue is a podcast about the electric mobility revolution and the new energy economy, from our perspective in Central and Eastern Europe. Episode 1 introduces the show and then discusses the EV landscape in Slovakia and Hungary.
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