Electric Vehicle Charging in Central & Eastern Europe
First, Ukraine. We hear a reaction from the COO of Go-To-U, a leading Ukranian EV charging platform, on the Russian invasion. Then, a detailed, expert discussion among EV charging network operators in Romania, Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Slovenia about the electric vehicle and EV charging situations in their markets. Why does it take so long to establish a grid connection? How does the local public administration approach emobility? What steps are needed to rapidly scale up charging infrastructure and emobility in CEE? If you’re interested in emobility or the energy transition in this region, you won’t want to miss this episode.
You can see the full panel here: https://ceegti.com/2022/02/02/the-importance-of-binding-targets-in-afir-ensuring-a-single-speed-europe-on-e-mobility/
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