Spectacular Slovakia

Spectacular Slovakia

Podcast by The Slovak Spectator

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Zoznam epizód (147 epizód)


Scientist with a Comedic Twist

Milan "Docent" Sedliak is a Slovak scientist, nutrition expert, and stand-up comedian who excels at blending science and humor.

A Vietnamese Slovak’s quest for belonging

Kvet Nguyen, a Slovak artist and writer of Vietnamese descent, captures the beauty and complexity of living between cultures in her work and storytelling.

"Lobster" climbing in Slovak Tuscany

Our next trip around the Žilina Region will be slightly Italian because of its name. We'll climb Slovakia's oldest via ferrata. It can be found in the Turiec area, which is compared to the Tuscany region in Italy. Host: Peter Dlhopolec

At a triple point, the local mayor runs a small cheese factory

Explore a place with three different names – Trojmedzie, Trojmezí, Trójstyk – where three nations regularly meet. Trojmedzie is a hidden gem, easily accessible by train from Bratislava. Host: Peter Dlhopolec Guest: Marta Sláviková

Central Europe’s largest ski resort is also open in the summer

In addition to a hike or a cable-car ride up to Chopok peak, visitors to the ski resort Jasná, Liptov region, can meet Wallachian sheep and take a wild ride in a mountain cart down the hill. Host: Peter Dlhopolec Guests: Jiří Trumpeš, Veronika Tabačková

The oldest ethnic museum in Slovakia

Svidník, a town in eastern Slovakia known for its military history, is home to the country’s oldest ethnic museum, the Museum of Ukrainian Culture. Explore the museum with Miriam Božíková who works at the cultural institution. Presenter: Peter Dlhopolec Music: Ukrainian folk songs

Travelling over the Malá Fatra region

In the final episode of this summer series, we will immerse ourselves in exploring Žilina, rafting the Váh river, and hiking some of the most beautiful peaks in Slovakia. Presenter: Peter Dlhopolec Guests: Ivan the rafter, David Cartwright, Róbert Hlaváč

The spiritual and spa valley of Rajec

In addition to a spa town and a Marian pilgrimage site, the quaint Čičmany village can be found in the Rajec region. Presenter: Peter Dlhopolec Guests: Jean Gâteau, Juraj Kudjak

Orava is good, a song tells us. Is it?

The region is known for Orava Castle. But have you gone on a cruise in Námestovo or tasted some scrumptious ice cream in Dolný Kubín? Presenter: Peter Dlhopolec Guest: Vladimír Klocok, Tamari Mikatsadze, Tatia Basilaia, Jozef Ferenčík

Head to Kysuce and fall in love with Slovakia (again)

The Kysuce region is a quintessential Slovak region, with quaint hilltop villages and plenty of adventures to offer. Presenter: Peter Dlhopolec Guests: Mirka Petríková, Avuzwa Ngubo, Pedro Viola de Abreu

Liptov has it all: Sea, forgotten town and crooked peak

The Liptov region is a great holiday destination that is not just about Tatralandia, Jasná and Vlkolínec, although they are also worth a visit. Presenter: Peter Dlhopolec Guests: Linda Šimunová, Zuzana Trnovská, Gerdi Vanfleteren

Turiec is like Tuscany, but lesser-known

Peter expands his textbook knowledge about the Turiec region. He talks to three people who know the region quite well: Zuzana, Stanislava and Scott.

Jeremy Hill walks into a Slovak hospital with a stool sample

For American Jeremy Hill, his number one enemy in Slovakia has always been winter. He’s not a fan of the bitter cold and after the holidays, this “vegetarian with a sensitive tummy” usually requires some medical assistance… and a stool sample. Listen as he recalls with a mixture of shame and amuse...

Bratislava's charms go beyond the Old Town

Japanese Ambassador Makoto Nakagawa is here to talk about his hobbies - biking and birdwatching - in Bratislava. Plus, it's time to compare capital cities again. Presenter: Peter Dlhopolec Photo: TASR
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