![Vedátorský podcast 265 – Emmanuelle Charpentier](https://podmazsk.b-cdn.net/images/podcasts/vedatorsky-podcast-Jlc.jpg?width=300&aspect_ratio=1:1)
Podcast: Vedátorský podcast
Vedátorský podcast 265 – Emmanuelle Charpentier
Emmanuelle Charpentier has received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering genetic scissors –– CRISPR/Cas9. She was the head of the jury of the ESET Science Award and gave a lecture for students during the ESET4Schools event. So did Samuel, so they have got some time to discuss a little. Has the name CRISPR/Cas9 stuck or can we change it to something simpler? Will gene modifications change humankind in the next century? How to become a good scientist? This and much more have been asked by Samuel.Na Youtube nájdete epizódu s (automatickými) titulkami.
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Autor: vedatorskypodcast
Kategórie: Vzdelávanie, Veda