![Vedátorský podcast 246 – Interview with Stefano Buono](https://podmazsk.b-cdn.net/images/podcasts/vedatorsky-podcast-Jlc.jpg?width=300&aspect_ratio=1:1)
Podcast: Vedátorský podcast
Vedátorský podcast 246 – Interview with Stefano Buono
Nuclear reactors are now large and difficult to build, and there are efforts to build small modular reactors that enrich the mixture of power generation worldwide. Stefano Buono is the CEO of Newcleo company that aims to introduce such reactors to Slovakia. How are small reactors different? What can they produce apart from electricity? How should we think about the future of (nuclear) energy? This and much more has been asked by Samuel. Podcastové hrnčeky a ponožky nájdete na stránke
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Autor: vedatorskypodcast
Kategórie: Vzdelávanie, Veda