The Real DNA Podcast

The Real DNA Podcast

Autor: TheRealDNA
Former Tennis Professional and current Sports Broadcaster and Social Influencer Daniela Hantuchova interviews highly successful guests from the world of sports, entertainment, and culture. Daniela pursues the common thread or the DNA of what breeds success at the highest levels.

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Zoznam epizód (43 epizód)

pred 9 hodinami

Fitness Expert Marco Panichi

Daniela talks with her former fitness coach and the current fitness coach of world #1 Jannik Sinner about new tools in fitness, new philosophies, and how his approach is the same whether he is coaching a man or a woman.See for privacy information.

Avocado Toast - Australian Open - Falling Into The Yarra River

Daniela chats with fellow tennis commentator, journalist, and friend Gig Salmon. Daniela and Gigi talk about the demands of working in media during a slam, food and superstitions, along with the Australian Open recap, and their big plans for Indian Wells.See for privacy infor...

Goran Ivanisevic

Daniela is back with a new season of The Real DNA, and she starts out at the 2025 Australian Open sitting down with Goran Ivanisevic. Goran discusses his return to coaching now in WTA, his thoughts on the Open, and the need for more respect.See for privacy information.

Juan Carlos Ferrero

Daniela catches up with Juan Carlos Ferrero former world #1 player and current coach of US Open champion Carlos Alcaraz. Daniela and Juan Carlos discuss the difference in playing and coaching and the evolution of his academy.See for privacy information.

Petra Vlhová - The Road Before and After Olympic Gold

This episode is recorded in Slovak. Daniela speaks to Petra Vlhová about the high sides and low sides of achieving her childhood dream and becoming a Gold medal winner at this year's winter games, and embracing the success in becoming the biggest superstar in Slovakia.See for...

Gabriela Sabatini

Daniela launches Season 2 of The Real DNA by sitting down with legendary tennis star Gabriela Sabatini. Gabriela discusses how she maintains her health and striking appearance. Also Daniela discusses their common DNA of tennis and how Gabriela has recently began playing again.See

Ep 34: Dana Dúbravská (Part 1) - The DNA of Sports Psychology

Daniela discusses the important and timely topic of sports psychology with transformation and mental strength coach Dana Dúbravská. Dana and Daniella discuss how the stigma of psychology and mental health has changed dramatically in the last 25 years and...

Ep 28: Marián Hossa - Business After Sports

Daniela chats with 3-time Stanley Cup winner, 5 time NHL All-Star, and Olympian for Slovakia, Marián Hossa. Marián and Daniela discuss the transition from professional athlete to the business world, and Marián offers his perspective on the DNA of busines...

Ep 27: Dr. Dusan Hamar - The Sports Life Expectancy is Increasing

Daniela welcomes the Chairman of the Scientific Commission of the World Federation in Sports Medicine, Dr. Dusan Hamar to The Real DNA podcast. Daniela and Dr. Hamar talk about prevention and recovery for athletes, strength and physical fitness training ...

Ep 26: Craig Tiley - Business After Sports Series

The first of a series of episodes where Daniela explores Business After Sports. Daniela talks with Craig Tiley, Tournament Director of The Austrailian Open, CEO of Tennis Austrailia, and former NCAA Tennis coach. Craig gives his advice on how athletes sh...

Ep 21: Guy Forget - Tennis is a Great University of Life

Daniela talks to Paris Masters and Roland Garros tournament director, prior France Davis Cup coach, as well as former top 5 tour player, Guy Forget. Daniela and Guy discuss Rafa's incredible win at Roland Garros weeks ago, the 2020 ATP Paris Masters tour...
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