Podcast: Spectacular Slovakia
Last Week in Slovakia: Pellegrini cannot afford the apartment he bought
Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini spent his 12-year earnings to buy an apartment in a new residential complex Zuckermandel in Bratislava. The Dennik N daily estimated Pellegrini's costs of mortgage, rental, car and other current expenses and came to the conclusion that he cannot afford such an expensive apartment.
RTVS management does not want #AllForJan badges.
Reporters of RTVS news desk should not wear the badges on screen. The badges are meant to show solidarity with the murdered jornalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kusnirova.
This programme is part of The Slovak Spectator subscription and our readers are receiving it every Thursday morning as part of their subscription.
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Autor: Spectacular Slovakia
Kategórie: Spoločnosť