Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Autor: RTVS
Slovakia Today is an English language current affairs magazine bringing you the best from Slovakia. Our daily broadcast covers the latest from politics, society, arts and culture, business, science, healthcare and sports. Coming to you from Bratislava, from the studios of Radio Slovakia International – the foreign language channel of the public broadcaster STVR. Making Slovakia heard to the world!

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Zoznam epizód (280 epizód)


History of Danube River shipping in Slovakia (15.1.2024 16:00)

In this show, we will present to you the history of Dunajplavba or Danube River shipping in Slovakia and invite you to exhibition dedicated to it. We will provide travelling news and tips for trips around Slovakia. At the end of our show, we will continue with our Monday bonus feature called TOP SPO...

Best of the week (13.1.2024 16:00)

What was the week like in Slovakia? Overview of the news in the FrontPage magazine and pick of the interesting parts of our programming this week.

Listeners' Tribune (12.1.2024 16:00)

Sundays are about our listeners. Ben and Patka discuss the past week, read letters from listeners and play some music for your sunday enjoyment.

Theatre. Czech poet Jiri Wolker. (11.1.2024 16:00)

Speaking about the fruitful cooperation with Nobel Prize laureat is Vladislava Fekete, the head of the Slovak Theatre Institute. On the occasion of centenary from his death, we commemorate Czech poet Jiri Wolker who spent half a year having been treated for tuberculosis in High Tatras. Culture news...

Trenčín: the European Culture Capital in 2026 (10.1.2024 16:00)

Trenčín is set to become the European Capital of Culture in 2026. This will undoubtedly change the city in fundamental ways. To learn more we spoke with deputy mayor Patrik Žák and others about the progress of thse changes. We discussed what has been accomplished so far, what are the challenges, and...

Eating disorders and organisations that help (9.1.2024 16:00)

Eating disorders have long been a problem. After covid, with so much social media it seems they are more prevelant and problematic than ever. Eating disorders are not just the problem of young girls, unfortunately they don’t discriminate and can affect anyone, even someone close to us. Ben Pascoe sa...

Preparation of Slovak cities for climate crisis (8.1.2024 16:00)

The climate crisis is a global issue. Are Slovak cities ready for it? What can the municipalities do to be more sustainable and what difficulties do they face? Does Slovakia have the potential to have as many sustainable cities as possible? Patrícia Arpášová will find it out in this show with Veroni...

Listeners' Tribune: 2023 in Slovak music (5.1.2024 16:00)

In a special new year's eve listener's tribune Ben looks back on the year in music in Slovakia. A special episode celebrating those musicians who left us as well as those who put out some of the best music in 2023.

History of radio and RSI (4.1.2024 16:00)

Getting back to the history of Radio Slovakia International. 4 January 1993 marks the first day of its broadcast. Discussing the beginnings of foreign service of the then Czechoslovak radio with Vladimir Stefko, the 1991-1994 general director of the Slovak Radio, and Vladimir Draxler, a radio histo...

Romani language and the Cathedral of Saint Nicolas in Prešov (3.1.2024 16:00)

On the first Wednesday of 2024, we bring you a medley of interviews made in 2023 with Erika Godlová, Martina Horňáková, and Zuzana Paľuchová about matters dealing with Romani language as well as a part of the interview with Marcela Domenová about the Cathedral of Saint Nicolas located in Prešov.

The New Year´s Day Special (1.1.2024 16:00)

In this Special, we will provide New Year´s Day speeches of the Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová and of Radio Slovakia International head Jozefína Mikleová. We will also talk to political scientist Radoslav Štefančík about the establishment of Slovak Republic, 20 years of Slovak EU membership and th...

Slovakia in 2023 (29.12.2023 16:00)

Slovakia 2023 - the biggest events and highlights - politics, society and culture. What was making the headlines? Listen to the overview of the year.

RSI 30 (28.12.2023 16:00)

In the year 2023, Radio Slovakia International turned 30. Let's have a party once again.

Slovakia's most fruitful vegetable, the sugar beet (27.12.2023 16:00)

Each year, Slovakia grows about 1.3 million tonnes of sugar beets. This bountiful harvest provides the country so much more than just beets. Join us on a tour of the sugar beet's many uses in Slovakia. We will explore how sugar beets provide sustenance for farm animals, how they are turned into pure...

Christmas Special: St. Stephen's Day (26.12.2023 16:00)

On 26th December, it is St. Stephen´s Day in Slovakia. In this show, Patrícia Arpášová and Kamila Galjuš will find out more about St. Stephen and if young people from the Generation Z are still interested in so called Štefanské zábavy or Saint Stephen´s Day parties. Slovak hikers from The Club of Sl...

Saturday overview of the week (23.12.2023 16:00)

What was the week like in Slovakia? Overview of the news in the FrontPage magazine and pick of the interesting parts of our programming this week - and a bit of Slovak Radio Symphonic Orchestra.

Loneliness at times of Christmas holidays (19.12.2023 16:00)

With all the joy and happiness the holidays bring, they can also bring stress and loneliness to many. Ben Pascoe talks with spiritual and psychological experts about how to have a happy holiday and help others have the same.

Pre-Christmas shopping mood in Slovakia (18.12.2023 16:00)

At the end of November 2023, Eva Sadovská from Wood & Company published an analysis on Slovak's shopping mood in December connected to Christmas. In this show, we will present the results of it. We will provide travelling news and tips for trips around Slovakia.

Best of the week (16.12.2023 16:00)

What was the week like in Slovakia? Overview of the news in the FrontPage magazine and pick of the interesting parts of our programming this week.
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