Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Autor: RTVS
Slovakia Today is an English language current affairs magazine bringing you the best from Slovakia. Our daily broadcast covers the latest from politics, society, arts and culture, business, science, healthcare and sports. Coming to you from Bratislava, from the studios of Radio Slovakia International – the foreign language channel of the public broadcaster STVR. Making Slovakia heard to the world!

Podcast Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio je vložený na túto stránku z otvoreného informačného zdroja RSS. Všetky informácie, texty, predmety ochrany a ďalšie metadáta z informačného zdroja RSS sú majetkom autora podcastu a nie sú vlastníctvom prevádzkovateľa Podmaz, ktorý ani nevytvára ani nezodpovedá za ich obsah podcastov. Ak máš za to, že podcast porušuje práva iných osôb alebo pravidlá Podmaz, môžeš nahlásiť obsah. Ak je toto tvoj podcast a chceš získať kontrolu nad týmto profilom klikni sem.

Zoznam epizód (100 epizód)


Audio-tour of the Pálffy manor house in Malacky. (19.9.2024 16:00)

We will take you on an audio-tour of the manor house, where the noble family of Pálffy is historically connected with its origins. Later, in the second half of the 20th century, the manor house was briefly used as a barracks and then as a hospital. In 2007, the town of Malacky became the owner of th...

Week in Slovakia. (14.9.2024 16:00)

A recap of the weeks news plus Kamila Galjus honors Holocaust and victims of racial violence day in Slovakia, Patricia Polakovicova introduces us to Smolenica and Ben Pascoe talks with Jozef Luptak about this years Konvergencie Festival.

Smolenice village, its rich history and culture. (9.9.2024 16:00)

In this Monday show, Paťka and her friend Adelka are going to walk around a village in Western Slovakia in Trnava region, Smolenice. They are going to talk about its rich history and culture, historical sights and some natural landmarks that visitors might not know about and are worth to see.

Week in Slovakia (7.9.2024 16:00)

What was the week like in Slovakia? News overview and picks of the week with Martin Bednárik. HEADLINES: The beginning of the new school year marked with bomb threats, rumoured acquisition pf Pegasus by the Slovak Intelligence denied and part of the culture community declares a strike alert while po...

Week discussed (6.9.2024 16:00)

Ben and Patka recap what happened the past week, what you can look forward to next week and of course read some letters from listeners and play some music for you.

Slovak Movies Today (5.9.2024 16:00)

In an interview with Tomáš Ganz, you will learn about his two-month experience as a mathematics and chess teacher in Africa, where he was involved in educating children in conditions very different from those in Europe. He will talk about the life in Africa, challenges of the African education syste...

Week in Slovakia (31.8.2024 16:00)

What was the week like in Slovakia? News overview and picks of the week with Martin Bednárik. HEADLINES: Celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising, new head of Slovak intelligence service appointed, but criticised and the new name of the parliament speaker still unknown as...
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