"Home and the World in Slovak writing". Slovak books in English translation in 2024. Slovak-Hungarian non-fiction in English. (19.12.2024 16:00)
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Martina Šimkovičová Greňová talks to Professor Katarina Gephardt about the compendium "Home and the World in Slovak Literature. The Literature of a Small Nation in Context". The promoter of Slovak literature in English translation, Julia Sherwood, provides information about the Slovak authors included in the 2024 Seagull's Books catalogue and answers the question of how the situation of publishing Slovak authors in English translation has developed since 2019. The English translation of a bilingual non-fiction book on women's life in Czechoslovakia and Hungary in the period 1955-1989 has been added to the list by one of its authors, Professor of Ethnology Marta Botikova. In cultural news, curator Lydia Pribisova and artist Andrea Kalinova invite you to an exhibition mapping the last traces of snow in Slovakia.
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Autor: RTVS
Kategórie: Spravodajstvo a publicistika