Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Autor: RTVS
Slovakia Today is an English language current affairs magazine bringing you the best from Slovakia. Our daily broadcast covers the latest from politics, society, arts and culture, business, science, healthcare and sports. Coming to you from Bratislava, from the studios of Radio Slovakia International – the foreign language channel of the public broadcaster STVR. Making Slovakia heard to the world!

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Zoznam epizód (100 epizód)

pred 1 dňom

2025 Tatra Bank Foundation Art Awards (18.2.2025 16:00)

Ben Pascoe visits the gala presentation of this year's Tatra Bank Foundation Art Awards. For the 29th year the Tatra Bank foundation awards achievments in audiovisual creation, literature, design, music, theatre and fine arts. Ben Pascoe talks with jury members, organizers and artists about the st...
pred 2 dňami

The potential threats of importing radioactive waste from abroad (17.2.2025 16:00)

Slovakia is once again allowed to import radioactive waste from abroad. The Parliament has lifted the ban on the import of this waste, which was introduced in 2021. We are going to talk about what are the the potential threats and what does it mean for Slovakia’s environment and public health with n...
pred 4 dňami

Week in Slovakia No 7 (15.2.2025 16:00)

A regular news roundup, followed by a selection of stories from the past week. Today about safe spaces and communities for teenagers, that make them grow and discrover themselves and the history behind another festive season in Slovakia, Fašiangy.
pred 6 dňami

World Radio Day and the role of radio in climate change (13.2.2025 16:00)

February 13th is World Radio Day, a date set by UNESCO since 2011. Each year has a different theme. 2025 explores the role of radio in climate change. Why this theme? Martina Grenova Simkovicova asked Mirta Lourenco, head of UNESCO's Section for Media Development and Media in Emergencies. Speaking a...
pred týždňom

All about the festive Slovak tradition of Fašiangy (12.2.2025 16:00)

In this edition of the Slovakia Today programme we bring you an interview with Slovak ethnographer, historian, and museologist Zora Mintalová Zubercová exploring Fašiangy—the festive period from Three Kings' Day until midnight on the eve of Ash Wednesday.

Using art and community building in work with teens (11.2.2025 16:00)

Ben Pascoe talks with a Slovak, Russian and Ukrainian who use art and community builiding as a way of working with and helping teenagers. Sarah Valovičová, Mikhail Popov and Karina Muliar talk about what got them started working with teens, how art can help and also offer some advice.

Week in Slovakia No 6 (8.2.2025 16:00)

A regular news roundup, followed by a selection of stories from the past week. Today, a breast cancer survivor on World Cancer Day, the safety of protesters at recent demonstrations, Slovakia in the Berlinale film festival, and climate anxiety effecting mental wellbeing

Climate anxiety and the EU-Mercosur trade agreement (5.2.2025 16:00)

While natural disasters and the climate crisis dominate headlines, their psychological toll often goes unnoticed. Yet, the impact on mental well-being goes far beyond mere concern. In this episode we explore the topic with psychologist Patricia Gajdosociova and climate activist Martina Kedrova from...

Romani visual artists coming from Slovakia. (29.1.2025 16:00)

In this edition of the Slovakia Today programme, we bring you three interviews dealing with Romani visual artists coming from Slovakia. First up is Rudolf Dzurko, a Romani artist from eastern Slovakia. Although he spent most of his life in the Czech Republic, his works of art found themselves back i...

Remembering holocaust survivor Eva Mosnáková (27.1.2025 16:00)

Eva Mosnáková was not only a holocaust survivor, but also a long-standing figther against extremism. Even in her old age she invested a lot of time in discussions with younger generations about war, holocaust and extremism. She died in December 2024 aged 95 years old. And what is her message for the...

Interview: Madeline Vadkerty (25.1.2025 16:00)

January 27 marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. The day was chosen to be the Holocaust Memorial Day. Martin Bednárik talks to Madeline Vadkerty, an American based in Bratislava, Slovakia. She is professor, author and researcher dedicated to the...

Bloody sonnets by Hviezdoslav staged in English in DPOH (23.1.2025 16:00)

Iconic anti-war poetry by the iconic Slovak poet Pavol Orszagh Hviezdoslav can be seen in a unique performance not only in English translation at the Pavol Orszagh Hviezdoslav Theatre in Bratislava. The language spoken on stage combines English with German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak,...

On environmental policy with Slovak MEP Martin Hojsík (22.1.2025 16:00)

Natural disasters, such as last summer’s catastrophic floods in central Europe and the fires currently ravaging California, are becoming increasingly common. While not solely caused by climate change, these events have grown more frequent and severe, largely due to rising ocean and atmospheric tempe...
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