Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Autor: RTVS
Slovakia Today is an English language current affairs magazine bringing you the best from Slovakia. Our daily broadcast covers the latest from politics, society, arts and culture, business, science, healthcare and sports. Coming to you from Bratislava, from the studios of Radio Slovakia International – the foreign language channel of the public broadcaster RTVS. Making Slovakia heard to the world!

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Zoznam epizód (280 epizód)

pred 1 dňom

Tolstoys at Glastonbury (25.7.2024 16:00)

In 2024, the first ever Slovak musicians performed their gig at the Glastonbury festival. Talking about this great success is the lead singer of the band Tolstoys, Ela Tolstova. Playing is their music in this summer special.
pred 4 dňami

SK20EU: Spain (22.7.2024 16:00)

In this Monday show, Patka is going to talk about Spain as a part of the RTVS cycle 20 years of Slovakia in the EU.
pred 6 dňami

Week in Slovakia. (20.7.2024 16:00)

News overview: Yet another amendment to the Penal Code, but probably not the last one. EP holds its first plenary session. President dismisses two members of the Judicial Council. SK20EU: Sweden. Competition Pt. 2.

Theatre play called Fantomas reflecting on the Gen Z issues. (15.7.2024 16:00)

In this show, Paťka is going to talk about theatre play series that were recently translated into English. This production is about Generation Z and the issues these young people have to face on every day basis, which includes hoaxes, social media, body image among others. Paťka talks to some of the...

Week in Slovakia. (13.7.2024 16:00)

News overview: Slovak President at NATO summit in Washington. Prime Minister Robert Fico back at work as he recovers after the assassination attempt. Penal Code amended again to respond to reservations by European Commission. Slovak animation abroad. Interview with Fest Anča International Animation...

SK20EU: Romania. (11.7.2024 16:00)

In this part of the series, we talk about how another of its partners in EU membership changed over the course of 20 years since Slovakia joined the EU. Today, young members of the Slovak expat community in Nadlak along with Chief European Prosecutor Laura Kovesi will be talking about Romania. Music...

SK20EU: Portugal. Lack of Ozempic in Slovak pharmacies (8.7.2024 16:00)

In this Monday show, as a part of the RTVS cycle on 20 years of Slovakia in the EU, Patka is going to talk about yet another country and its relation to Slovakia - Portugal. In the second half of the show, you are going to hear about a recent problem occuring in Slovak pharmacies -- the lack of a dr...

Week in Slovakia (6.7.2024 16:00)

News overview. Report from Fest Anča International Animation Festival in Žilina. Competition Pt. 2: 80 years since the Slovak National Uprising.

SK20EU: Poland. Teaching Slovak as a foreign language (4.7.2024 16:00)

In the Thursday edition of the Slovakia Today programme, we introduce Poland in our "Twenty years of Slovakia in the European Union" series. Next up is the interview with professor Martina Ivanová from the department of Slovak and Media Studies at University of Prešov about the project Slovenčina v...

SK20EU: Malta (3.7.2024 16:00)

SK20EU: Listen to the next part of our series where we visit every EU member state on occasion of the 20th anniversary of Slovak accesion to the EU. This time, we invite you to Malta...

Slovak beekeeping and honey-making (1.7.2024 16:00)

In this Monday show, Patka is going to talk about beekeeping and honeymaking in Slovakia. Slovak honey has won a lot of global competitions, which shows that it belongs to one of the best products in the world. You are going to hear Juraj Majtan, a molecular biologist specializing in honey-making an...

Sunday Listener's Tribune (re-rerun) (28.6.2024 16:00)

Sundays are about our listeners. Ben and Jeremy continue their tour around Slovakia checking on how different cities are foreign tourist friendly, this week in Trencin. They meet some locals, read some letters and of course play some music for you.

SK20EU:Germany. Who was Milan Hodža? (27.6.2024 16:00)

Another part of the series dedicated to 20 years of Slovakia in the EU. Our colleague Kay Zeisberg offers insight into his homeland Germany. On 27 June, 1944, Milan Hodža died in the US city of Clearwater. Listen about this significant personality of Slovak history.

Discovering Slovak forestry high school in the Low Tatras. (26.6.2024 16:00)

One of the few things in our modern world that has not changed for centuries is our need for forests. They provide so much more than the wood we all consume in myriads of forms in our daily lives. Forests are the lungs of the planet. They sequester carbon, provide habitat for many animals, and offer...
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