Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Autor: RTVS
Slovakia Today is an English language current affairs magazine bringing you the best from Slovakia. Our daily broadcast covers the latest from politics, society, arts and culture, business, science, healthcare and sports. Coming to you from Bratislava, from the studios of Radio Slovakia International – the foreign language channel of the public broadcaster STVR. Making Slovakia heard to the world!

Podcast Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio je vložený na túto stránku z otvoreného informačného zdroja RSS. Všetky informácie, texty, predmety ochrany a ďalšie metadáta z informačného zdroja RSS sú majetkom autora podcastu a nie sú vlastníctvom prevádzkovateľa Podmaz, ktorý ani nevytvára ani nezodpovedá za ich obsah podcastov. Ak máš za to, že podcast porušuje práva iných osôb alebo pravidlá Podmaz, môžeš nahlásiť obsah. Ak je toto tvoj podcast a chceš získať kontrolu nad týmto profilom klikni sem.

Zoznam epizód (100 epizód)

pred 15 hodinami

State of extremism in Slovakia. Equal Pay Day. (21.10.2024 16:00)

First part of the show deals with a newly published Monitoring Report, talking about the state of extremism in Slovakia for 2022 and 2023 by the Interior Ministry. Right-wing groups and new dangerous forms of extremism are threatening society. In the second part of the show we are going to introduce...
pred 2 dňami

The Interview: Peter Kerekes (19.10.2024 16:00)

The RSI Interview: Peter Kerekes, a documentary filmmaker, director, producer and sciptwriter about his latest films Wishing on a Star and documentary about the Košice Peace Marathon, roots he has in Slovakia and future of Slovak cinema. Plus our weekly news overview: Prime Minister Robert Fico mee...
pred týždňom

Lack and unaffordability of housing for young people. (14.10.2024 16:00)

The problem of lack and unaffordability of housing, especially for young people, has grown in Slovakia in recent years. According to statistics, Slovakia is one of the five countries in Europe where young people leave their parents' homes at the latest. In this Monday's show, we will talk about this...

Fascinating world of Bratislava’s pub culture explored. (10.10.2024 16:00)

We will explore the fascinating world of Bratislava’s pub culture. Over the past few decades, this vibrant capital has transformed its nightlife, evolving from traditional "krčmy" to a dynamic mix of craft breweries, cocktail bars, and popular pub crawls. Stay as we dive into the stories behind icon...

Week in Slovakia. (5.10.2024 16:00)

What was the week like in Slovakia? News overview and picks of the week with Martin Bednárik. HEADLINES: Consolidation package approved by the Parliament, towns warn it will negatively impact their budgets and they will need help from the government, PM asked about the anti-corruption measures at a...

Festival of Science – European Researchers' Night. (3.10.2024 16:00)

Get ready for an extraordinary journey into the world of science and research! Today, we bring you a special edition about the Festival of Science – European Researchers' Night. This remarkable festival, held across Europe, will immerse you in the latest scientific discoveries and innovations. You'l...
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