Martin Posch from the Slovak Academy of Sciences about the so-called Slovak State. Local History Košice 1944-45. (11.9.2024 16:00)
On 9 September, we commemorate the Memorial Day of the Victims of the Holocaust and Racial Violence in Slovakia. Our colleague Martina Šimkovičová Greňová interviewed Mr Martin Posch from the Slovak Academy of Sciences about the so-called Slovak State and its measures during the Second World War. Patrícia Fogelová and Veronika Szeghy-Gayer from the Slovak Academy of Sciences both work on a project titled Local History Košice 1944-45. In 2024, when we commemorate the 80th anniversary of the transport of the Jews of Košice and the victims of the nyilas terror, they and their team prepared a workshop, an exhibition and a multilingual academic publication. The project also reflects on the fate of some of the rescuers of Jews and Roma, who were the most endangered ethnic community in the city.
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Autor: RTVS
Kategórie: Spravodajstvo a publicistika