Trenčín - European Capital of Culture with eco-friendly touch. On the importance of Slovak cultural centers. (16.10.2024 16:00)
In this episode we are returning to Trenčín for an update on their preparations to assume the title of European Capital of Culture in 2026. In September this year, at a public discussion, the 2026 team unveiled their green handbook, which is a roadmap for creating environmentally friendly cultural events. RSI was there to explore the ways Trenčín is working to become a more sustainable community ahead of the festivities in 2026.
In the second half of the show we stay in Trenčín to celebrate the first anniversary of the reopening of the Hviezda cultural center. On a rainy September weekend, the cultural center offered a variety activities for visitors, including concerts and exhibitions. There we spoke with the center’s director, visitors, and performers about the importance of this and other cultural centers across Slovakia.
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Autor: RTVS
Kategórie: Spravodajstvo a publicistika