DEEP TALKS 49: Petr Ludwig & Kubova English - FEAR, EGO, PASSION, ACTION
How to overcome fears? Is a big ego always unhealthy? How to find a strong passion in life and at work? Listen to our new self-help series with Kuba English and Petr Ludwig, author of the book The End of Procrastination. + And as little gift a special tool for improving your English: Blabu.com is an online platform where you can instantly practice conversations in English with native speakers from around the world. Whenever you want, wherever you want, easily and with instant feedback from experienced tutors. Use Promo Code KUBA or PETR to get 25% bonus. Try Blabu right now and enjoy 1 free call. http://bit.ly/2TGkQHJ
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Autor: Petr Ludwig
Kategórie: Vzdelávanie, Veda