Podcast: V ženskom rode
Kim Morgan: Coaching is a detective work in people´s souls (Episode in English)
Kim Morgan is one of the UK’s first executive business and personal coaches.
She is an inspirational and innovative coach, working extensively across the UK and Europe with organisations, senior business leaders and executive teams. She is a specialist in delivering mentor and coach education.
We met in Bratislava to talk about human connections, women´s development, and coaches being detectives in other people´s souls.
Kim is also a CEO of Barefoot Coaching, one of the most successful and fastest growing coaching and coach training businesses in the UK.
We met in Bratislava to talk about human connections, women´s development, and coaches being detectives in other people´s souls.
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Autor: Katka Strýčková
Kategórie: Spoločnosť, Vzdelávanie