#30: - Kasha Potrohosh: Becoming a friend of a Witch.
Kasha Potrohosh is a Ukrainian artist, currently based and studying intermedia at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. Her work, which focuses on intermedia projects, covers a broad spectrum of activities and projects. In addition to her solo work, she has also been an active member of the MAPSN performance group. The topics that Kasha likes to explore touch upon the subjective experience of gender role, autotherapy as well as reflections of broader social, feminists, environmental topics. The medium she frequently uses and likes to employ as camouflage or a reflection of social masking, is textile.
Kasha works with various media, but prefers to work with the context of the space with which they have to work. A wide range of her experience allows her to quickly respond to the situation. She works more often with music, textiles, and natural materials, often including the viewer in his practices.
Her art is subtle, intimate and critical of power structures and toxic manipulations. It is important for her to have a caring approach to the audience during interactions, and sometimes sharply criticizing violence, entering the role of a victim, taking on all her (the victim's) burden.
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