Podcast: Podcasty Aktuality.sk
The Slovak Snapshots: Slovakia's political campaign ends with kicks and punches
It is less than two weeks before the parliamentary elections and the campaign is escalating to physical attacks. The biggest sensation was caused by the conflict between Igor Matovič and Robert Kaliňák. President Zuzana Čaputová filed a lawsuit against the member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Robert Fico (Smer) for the protection of personality. The reason is the gross lies and fabricated accusations that he constantly spreads about her.October 1. will be the last day of Peter Sagan's era. He revealed earlier this week that his last race on the road will be the Tour de Vendée. However, Sagan does not plan to go to rest right away. On the contrary, he wants to focus on new challenges in mountain biking.The podcast used short sample from BBC Sport commentary."The Slovak Snapshots" podcast is written and recorded by Zorislav Poljak in cooperation with Ivan Hrušovský and Peter Hanák
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Kategórie: Spravodajstvo a publicistika, Politika