Podcast: Podcasty Aktuality.sk
The Slovak Snapshots: The host of the biggest Slovak political debates has spoken out about censorship efforts
In his own words, Kovačič's intention with this statement was to provide just a few facts to understand the behind-the-scenes of the media. "Slovakia is right now experiencing a struggle for the orbanisation of our TV stations, the future of RTVS is being debated in public, but in reality, this struggle is happening everywhere. But it is happening quietly and unnoticed. Although it may not look like it now if we do not stop it, it will have devastating consequences for Slovak democracy," the presenter argued.In Slovakia, what is not secret must be public. Citizens have the right to free access to information. Simply send an information request with questions and the municipality or other authority is obliged to respond. Free of charge, regardless of the time taken to collect the information.This status may change. Slovakia has recorded two first places on the highest mountain in the world in two weeks. On Sunday, May 12th, Lucia Janičová successfully climbed Mt. Everest, making her the first Slovak woman to ever do it. On Tuesday, 21 May, Lenka Poláčková also climbed Mount Everest, but without the use of oxygen.This podcast used a short sample from facebook.com/MichalKovacic"The Slovak Snapshots" podcast is made by Zorislav Poljak.
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Kategórie: Spravodajstvo a publicistika, Politika