Podcast: Podcasty Aktuality.sk
The Slovak Snapshots: Zuzana Čaputová ends her term as President
Zuzana Čaputová, the first female President of the Slovak Republic, took office on 15 June 2019. Her five-year tenure has been marked by significant political changes, tackling difficult challenges and achieving several successes.The coalition is preparing several changes, which it has workingly called the Lex assassination. They are meant to respond to the attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico in mid-May this year when he was shot four times.Gabriela Gajanová won the silver medal at the European Athletics Championships. She won the seventh medal for Slovakia at the continental championships in the era of independence.This podcast used a short sample from youtube.com/APArchive, youtube.com/Runningismyhobby, and prezident.sk"The Slovak Snapshots" podcast is made by Zorislav Poljak.
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Kategórie: Spravodajstvo a publicistika, Politika