Podcast: Podcasty Aktuality.sk
The Slovak Snapshots: Slovakia is at a crossroads
In the third part of "The Slovak Snapshots" podcast, we'll traverse through a diverse landscape of news in Slovakia. From groundbreaking scientific achievements that will leave you in awe, to inspiring community initiatives that'll warm your heart, we've got it all covered. This podcast is purely about Slovakia in English.It is September 27, 2023, and in less than three days, Slovakia will hold the early parliamentary election. Some people say that Slovakia is at a crossroads and this election can have a great impact on the future of our beautiful country. Why is that? How did we get to the point where Slovak people are seriously thinking about moving away after September 30? To answer this, we have to go five years back, and that’s why in the third episode of the Slovak Snapshots podcast, we won’t talk about the latest news, but we would like to take you on a journey through the political situation from February 2018 to the present. The podcast used a short sample from youtube.com/televíziaTA3 and youtube.com/SME."The Slovak Snapshots" podcast is written and recorded by Zorislav Poljak in cooperation with Ivan Hrušovský and Peter Hanák.
Podcast Podcasty Aktuality.sk je vložený na túto stránku z otvoreného informačného zdroja RSS. Všetky informácie, texty, predmety ochrany a ďalšie metadáta z informačného zdroja RSS sú majetkom autora podcastu a nie sú vlastníctvom prevádzkovateľa Podmaz, ktorý ani nevytvára ani nezodpovedá za ich obsah podcastov. Ak máš za to, že podcast porušuje práva iných osôb alebo pravidlá Podmaz, môžeš nahlásiť obsah. Ak je toto tvoj podcast a chceš získať kontrolu nad týmto profilom klikni sem.
Kategórie: Spravodajstvo a publicistika, Politika