Podcast: Podcasty Aktuality.sk
The Slovak Snapshots: Europe elects it's representatives
The European elections will take place in Slovakia on eight of June. Slovaks will elect fifteen MEPs for a five-year term. This elections allow the citizens of the European Union to have their say regularly and to influence the composition and policies at the European level. Prime Minister Robert Fico spoke publicly for the first time since the shooting in Handlová. The incident took place on 15 May. The Prime Minister was shot four times and is currently recovering from his injuries at home.Bratislava's Devín has been very busy these days. Since the beginning of the week, the rising level of the Danube and Morava rivers has been causing wrinkles on the foreheads of the inhabitants of the city district.This podcast used a short sample from facebook.com/RobertFico"The Slovak Snapshots" podcast is made by Zorislav Poljak.
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Kategórie: Spravodajstvo a publicistika, Politika