Podcast: incident podcast
006 incident podcast pre 47.týždeň 1.časť
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Vo veku 90. rokov zomrel Douglas Rain (13.3.1928–11.11.2018), ktorý nahovoril počítač HAL 9000 vo filme 2001: Vesmírna odysea (1968) Réžia: Stanley Kubrick Predloha: Arthur C. Clarke (poviedka). Legendárna konverzácia: Dave Bowman: Open the pod bay doors, HAL. HAL: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. https://www.csfd.cz/film/5393-2001-vesmirna-odysea/prehled/
Výpadky, čas 5:30
Microsoft 19.11.2018 - Issues connecting to Azure resources in Europe, Asia and the Americas regions using Multi-Factor Authentication
Facebook/Instagram 20.11.2018 - Facebook and Instagram are down for some users across the US
LastPass 20.11.2018 - LastPass? More like lost pass. Or where the fsck has it gone pass. Five-hour outage drives netizens bonkers
Hacking, čas 10:10
Police arrest alleged Russian hacker behind huge Android ad scam
MiSafes' child-tracking smartwatches are 'easy to hack'
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Russians impersonating U.S. State Department aide in hacking campaign: researchers
Popular Dark Web hosting provider got hacked, 6,500 sites down
Mobily, čas 23:45
500,000 Duped Into Downloading Android Malware Posing As Driving Games On Google Play
Politika, čas 26:36
Japan's cyber-security minister has 'never used a computer'
Cybercrime agreement signed by 50 nations, not U.S., China and Russia
Úniky dát, čas 31:36
A leaky database of SMS text messages exposed password resets and two-factor codes
web: www.incident.sk
email: podcast(at)incident.sk
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Autor: incident produkcia
Kategórie: Technológie a IT