014 incident podcast pre 9.týždeň
Zoznam komentovaných správ:
čas 1:40
Payroll Provider Gives Extortionists a Payday
čas 12:21
The Trauma Floor - The secret lives of Facebook moderators in America
čas 22:58
Suicide instructions spliced into kids’ cartoons on YouTube and YouTube Kids
On YouTube, a network of paedophiles is hiding in plain sight
čas 30:08
Plain wrong: Millions of utility customers’ passwords stored in plain text
čas 38:00
More password-less logins are coming to Android
čas 39:32
ICANN: There is an ongoing and significant risk to DNS infrastructure
čas 43:43
Google: Software is never going to be able to fix Spectre-type bugs
čas 48:42
Hádanka pre poslucháčov (nečítať reakcie na tweet pred vylúštením)
The plaque marking @GCHQ centenary may be hiding a few things...can you reveal it's secrets?
web: www.incident.sk
email: podcast(at)incident.sk
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