126 incident podcast - Qubit conference Prague 2022 Part2
Our team in composition Maťo,Casper and our youngster Jakub received an invitation from organizators of Qubit conference so we could met a lot of amazing and inspiring people. Thanks for that, we bring to you 3 interviews:
Thanks for that, we bring to you 3 interviews with:1.[00:01:16] Mr.Ben Herzberg, chief scientist of Satory from Israel about Cloud systems
2.[00:15:27] Mr. Michael Goedeker, CEO and Founder at Hakdefnet International, about social media and a lot more.
3.[00:48:37] Mr. Brian Contos, Chief Security Officer at Phosphorus Cybersecurity, USA about IoT security
Sit comfortably and enjoy this podcast as much as we enjoyed Qubit conference and these interviews.
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