Backstage Dos and Don'ts, Artist Care and Paradiso Club (Silla Van Reenen) — Backstage #36

Backstage Dos and Don'ts, Artist Care and Paradiso Club (Silla Van Reenen) — Backstage #36

In the 36th episode of the Backstage Podcast, we sat down with Silla van Reenen, junior booker at Paradiso, to dive into the dynamic world of event management, bookings, and the electronic music scene in the Netherlands.Silla shares her journey from interning at festivals to coordinating artist logistics for major events like the Verknipt Festival. We explore the day-to-day life of a booker, the balancing act between club and festival programming, and the unique Dutch festival culture that welcomes ravers of all ages.Silla gives insights into her work in artist management, including the challenges of stage management, the growing role of women in the music industry, and the importance of staying true to yourself in a fast-paced, competitive scene. We also discuss the rise of hard techno, shifting music trends, and the delicate art of crafting the perfect lineup.Whether you’re an aspiring booker, a festival enthusiast, or curious about the behind-the-scenes of music events, this episode provides a genuine look at the vibrant festival landscape and what it takes to make events run smoothly. Tune in for stories, tips, and a peek into Silla’s world, where passion meets professionalism.Silla Van RennenInstagram 📷 timestams=======================Mentioned in the episode:Club Paradiso Festival THE PODCASTPaypal 💙 Shtrayfix eventsHosts: David Lavrič, Jurij Jovan Sound: Jurij Jovan / EtmothPost production: Maks HribarIntro track: ASTWØ - Cyber TheftDavid Lavrič 📷 Jovan / Etmoth 📷 EVENTS Instagram 📷 🎶 📘 ========================================­===== Backstage podcast talks about the behind the scenes of the music industry. It's purpose is to share personal experiences and distribute knowledge of our guests among other industry professionals and entertain music enthusiasts whose interests go beyond just partying.

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